
Foundry group looking for new sources of scrap
Foundry group looking for new sources of scrap
Aug 30, 2024

Companies need to become even better at using each other's resources, because what is waste in one company can easily be...

Annual report 2023: Satisfactory result for foundry group
Annual report 2023: Satisfactory result for foundry group
Jun 18, 2024

BIRN Group, one of Northern Europe's largest foundry groups, has just published its financial statements for 2023, where...

Combining business success and sustainable ambitions
Combining business success and sustainable ambitions
Apr 12, 2024

For more than a quarter of a century, fitness equipment manufacturer BODY BIKE and BIRN have enjoyed a close partnership...

BIRN to test power regulation in sustainable pilot project
BIRN to test power regulation in sustainable pilot project
Mar 19, 2024

BIRN has entered a partnership with IBM and Energi Danmark to regulate our foundry’s electricity consumption. The collab...

New AI Technology Reduces Iron Foundry’s Energy Consumption
New AI Technology Reduces Iron Foundry’s Energy Consumption
Feb 23, 2024

The iron foundry BIRN has recently completed an AI-project in cooperation with pour-tech AB to optimize dosing of molten...

Turning the tide on sand consumption
Turning the tide on sand consumption
Oct 4, 2023

Sustain Week was successfully held in the first week of September, with strong participation from BIRN. We would like to...

Swedish machined castings manufacturer appoints new Managing Director
Swedish machined castings manufacturer appoints new Managing Director
Aug 15, 2023

Johan Brengesjö is the new Managing Director of the Swedish manufacturer of machined castings, KOCKUMS MASKIN, which is ...

Facts about birn

BIRN is one of Northern Europe’s largest foundries with roots dating back to 1896.

Get the facts about BIRN